Please note: this list is provided as a convenience and is not meant to be exhaustive. Please keep your receipts as supplies may vary by teams. Do not write students' names on the supplies. Please mark one adult tee shirt, and change of clothing in a zippered bag for kindergarten students. Backpacks with wheels are not recommended for students on the K-2 team, due to safety concerns.
- 1 pair Fiskar blunt scissors
- 2pkg. sharpened pencils
- 2 boxes 24 count crayons
- 2 pkg. dry erase markers
- 3 bottles Elmers glue
- 1 pkg. washable markers
- 1 plastic pencil box
- 1 plastic 3 ring binder pencil case
- 3 pkg. 12ct. glue sticks
- 1(2") ring binder
- 1 pkg. 10ct. binder divider
- sticky notes
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 writing journal
- 1 box Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
- 2 boxes tissues
- 1 box Ziploc bags (snack size)
- 1 box Ziplock bags (gallon size or large)
- 1 agenda book (sold at school)
- 1 pair Fiskar blunt scissors
- 1 plastic pencil case
- 2 boxes 24 count crayons
- 1 pk. 10 count colored pencils
- 1 pk. 8 count washable markers
- 6 large erasers
- 1 pk. 12 ct. glue sticks
- 3 packs pencils
- 1 pk. post it
- 3 composition note book
- 3 dno-tang plastic folders
- 1 pk. 4x6 index card
- 1 pk. eraser caps
- 1 three ring binder (1 1/2")
- 1 pk. Multi-colored high-lighters
- 2 pk. Watercolor paints
- 1 box facial tissue (unscented)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 agenda book (sold at school)
- 1 plastic pencil box
- 6 glue sticks
- 1 pk. washable markers
- 6 duo-tang plastic folders
- 3 composition books
- 2 pkg. wide ruled notebook paper
- 2 pks. #2 pencils
- 1 box 16ct. crayon
- 2 Magic Rub eraser
- 1 pk. Pencil top erasers
- 1 Fiskar scissors
- 1 pk. Colored pencils
- 1 pk. Dry eraser markers
- 1 pk. sticky notes
- 1 set watercolor paint
- 1 three ring binder (2")
- 2 boxes facial tissue (unscented)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 2 rolls paper towel
- 1 agenda book (sold at school)
- 1 three-ring binder (1")
- 1 zippered pencil case
- 1 box crayons
- 1 pk. Washable markers
- 1 pk. Markers
- 1 pk. colored pencils
- 4 high-lighters
- 1 pk. Red marking pens
- 1 pk. sticky notes
- 1 pair Fiskar scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 3 duo-tangn folders wit pockets (asst. colors)
- 4 black and white composition books
- 1 pk. wide rule notebook
- 4 pk. #2 pencils
- 1 covered pencil sharpener
- 1 box pencil top erasers
- 2 magic rub erasers
- 1 box facial tissue (unscented)
- 1 agenda book (sold at school)
- 2 pk. #2 pencils
- 1 pk. Marking pens
- 1 pk. Markers
- 1 pk. colored pencils
- 4 black and white composition books
- 4 high-lighters
- 1 pair Fiskar scissors
- 1 ruler
- 4 pks. wide ruled notebook paper
- 2 magic rub erasers
- 6 duo-tang folders (asstd. colors)
- 1 pk. 4" x 6" note card
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pk. Dry Erase markers (multi-colored)
- 1 covered pencil sharpener
- 2 rolls paper towels
- 1 box facial tissue (unscented)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 agenda book (sold at school)
- 2 pk. #2 pencils
- 1 pk. Marking pens
- 1 pk. colored pencils
- 4 black and white composition books
- 4 high-lighters
- 1 pair Fiskar scissors
- 1 ruler
- 4 pks. wide ruled notebook paper
- 2 magic rub erasers
- 6 duo-tang folders (asstd. colors)
- 1 pk. 4" x 6" note card
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pk. dry erase markers (multi-colored)
- 1 covered pencil sharpener
- 2 rolls paper towels
- 1 box facial tissue (unscented)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 agenda book (sold at school)
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